Before Sexuality
David M Halperin and 2 more
Not Available
The Hitchcock Romance
Lesley Brill
Jay Leyda
John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War
Richard H Immerman
Conquest of Violence
Joan V Bondurant
Princeton Problems in Physics, With Solutions
Nathan Newbury
The Symbolic Quest
Edward C Whitmont
The Private Worlds of Dying Children
Myra BluebondLangner
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry
Ronald Bayer
A History of Chinese Philosophy
Youlan Feng and 1 more
The Making of Urban America
John W Reps
A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements
Proclus and 1 more
Orpheus and Greek Religion
W K C Guthrie
The Myth of Egypt and Its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition
Erik Iversen
The Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory
Elisabeth A Lloyd
Creation and the Persistence of Evil
Jon Douglas Levenson
The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire
John B Dunlop
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and 3 more
General Theory of Relativity
P A M Dirac
Unnatural Doubts
Michael Williams
The Myth of American Individualism
Barry Alan Shain
Theory of Film
Siegfried Kracauer
Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Harald Cramér
The Clash of Gods
Thomas F Mathews
Nation and Religion
Peter van der Veer and 1 more
Jung on Christianity
C G Jung and 1 more
From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630-1910
I GrattanGuinness and 1 more
Documenting Individual Identity
Jane Caplan and 1 more
Twice Upon a Time
Elizabeth Wanning Harries
The Maine Woods
Henry David Thoreau and 1 more
Tanagers, Cardinals, and Finches of the United States and Canada
David Beadle and 1 more